Syracuse is a city with an inferiority complex. It’s so bad, people are quick to criticize their own city.
So we joined forces with a local leadership organization to try and change the mindset of people in our community. Unfortunately, our residents are so jaded, a conventional publicity campaign would only result in more nay-saying. Goofy sloganeering along the lines of “Syracuse – It’s ‘Cuse-riffic!” wasn’t going to cut it.
So we created a guerilla organization called PROPS – People Reforming Opinions Positively of Syracuse. Under the darkness of night, PROPS’s Armies of Optimism plastered the city with posters touting the many benefits of life in Syracuse. Each one ended with a single, simple question:
Syracuse. What's not to like?
Our random acts of positivism were met with appreciation by everyone from the mayor to the press – and actually got some people thinking a little differently about their hometown.