The feeling you get when you eat chocolate. Now in a bank.

Two little words never said so much.

Even our disclaimers gave people reason to smile. Look closely and you'll see that it reads: "By the way, when your house called, it mentioned it really like those scented candles you picked up recently. Adds a real comfy vibe to the place."

More micetype fun: "The free smiles for you and your pooch are available from our convenient drive-through tellers, and we’re even flexible on the “dog” part. We’ll smile at cats, hamsters, birds, pretty much any pet. Except bears. We’d actually prefer it if you didn’t bring bears to our drive-throughs. But other than that, it’s all good."

Seriously. How often do you ever see the word "Yay!" in POP materials? (Answer: Not often enough.)

Sometimes, it's the little things that help consumers bond with a brand. Like the dedicated parking spots we created just outside Community Bank's entrances.
When we started working with this bank, they were exactly what their name implied: A small, regional bank located down and around the winding back roads of New York State. They had big dreams, though, and asked us to help them create a brand they could grow on.
During the course of our research, one interesting tidbit kept coming to light: Even though they had online banking and drive-up ATMs, most of their customers would rather park their car, head inside, and do their banking face-to-face with their favorite teller. They actually looked forward to it!
This insight led us to create the brand platform they've been growing on for over a decade now: "Bank Happy." These two simple words re-energized their employees, and gave us license to create marketing materials that did exactly what a visit to your favorite teller did:
Bring a smile to your day.